Tania Viit kvartet feat. Aske Jacoby
Koncerter 2013
D. 31 januar - Det Brunske Pakhus
D. 1. februar -
Byens Hus i Jelling
D. 2. februar - Godset i Kolding
D. 17. april kl. 20.00 -
Kulturhuset Galaksen
D. 25. maj kl. 14.35 -
Jelling Musik Festival (Søpavillionen) - Tania Viit Kvintet feat. Aske Jacoby
D. 8. august - Lund, Sverige
D. 16. august kl. 17.40. Copenhagen Songwriters Festival. Beboerhus, Onkel Dannys Plads 7, 1711 Kbh. V. -
D. 22. november - Louisiana Museum, Fredags-lounge
Tania Viit Kvartet feat. Aske Jacoby
Koncerter 2014
D. 15 marts -
Danish Roots - Growing in the World
Tania Viit & Danish Roots - read more about it on:
The project, "Danish Roots - Growing" in the World were started in 2006, with the purpose of strengthening and promoting danish roots- and folkmusic on the International Scene, in cooperation with the participating bands.