'Mose Allison':

Mose John Allison, Jr. (f. November 11, 1927) er en gudsbenådet amerikansk jazz-blues pianist og sanger. Stammer fra Tippo, Tallahatchie County Mississippi Delta. Hans musik har påvirket mange blues and rock artister, incl. Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, John Mayall, J. J. Cale, og The Who. Mose Allison's sang, "I Don't Worry About A Thing" starter filmen,'The Whole Nine Yards', instrueret af Jonathan Lynn.

Cd'en ISBRUD er nu udkommet

Cd'en ISBRUD er udkommet på Target Distribution. ISBRUD kan købes her:


Tania Viit - Isbrud


Dansk / English

Tania Viit Djadakhan

Born: `69, Copenhagen.
Raised in Silkeborg.
Educated: århus Musikkonservatorium, 2003.
Contemporary singer-songwriter, performer & recording-artist.

Tania Viit is a Danish contemporary singer-songwriter who sings in her native language.


Tania Viit has recorded selfwritten material, and has
translated / covered / recorded more than 30 songs into Danish language.

She has performed for more than 20 years in different constellations in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and England, and has worked with a great variety of Scandinavian musicians connected with the acoustic roots scene.

Tania Viit had her first album, "Mysterier og Mirakler"
( Mysteries and Miracles ) in '99, and is currently recording her follow-up album..


Danish roots, an exotic set of Northern and Eastern European instruments and a wide-open interest in other cultures are the features of this specific orchestra.


Tania Viit´s sound is based on both contemporary and traditional Nordic folk -

"...The new generation of singer-songwriters has provided us with many good -autentic-sounding performers. One that stands out is Tania Viit. Her songs ooze with the quality of lived life, humour, distance and wit... - And what an outstanding vocalist she is..."

Allan Olsen - Danish multi-award-winning songwriter, recording artist, and performer.

"My philosophy in life is that everything is love"...


Tania Viit kvartet feat. Aske Jacoby

Koncerter 2013

D. 31 januar - Det Brunske Pakhus

D. 1. februar - Byens Hus i Jelling

D. 2. februar - Godset i Kolding

D. 17. april kl. 20.00 - Kulturhuset Galaksen

D. 25. maj kl. 14.35 - Jelling Musik Festival (Søpavillionen) - Tania Viit Kvintet feat. Aske Jacoby

D. 8. august - Lund, Sverige

D. 16. august kl. 17.40. Copenhagen Songwriters Festival. Beboerhus, Onkel Dannys Plads 7, 1711 Kbh. V. - www.copenhagensongwritersfestival.dk/da/

D. 22. november - Louisiana Museum, Fredags-lounge
Tania Viit Kvartet feat. Aske Jacoby

Koncerter 2014


Danish Roots - Growing in the World

Tania Viit & Danish Roots - read more about it on:



The project, "Danish Roots - Growing" in the World were started in 2006, with the purpose of strengthening and promoting danish roots- and folkmusic on the International Scene, in cooperation with the participating bands.

Du kan kontakte Tania via:

E-mail: brilleand@gmail.com

Facebook: facebook

MySpace: myspace

Promotion / Product Management - Target Distribution

Fotograf: Ole Lauritsen

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